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Deep Red Roses in a Basket
1 dozen deep red roses arranged in a basket. Please Note: Basket design and arrangement may vary.
Fireside Basket
A striking mix of red roses, peach and white snapdragons, and pink and yellow carnations lets them know you are thinking of them. Beautifully arranged in a fireside basket Pleae Note: Basket design and arrangement may vary.
Fresh Mixed Blue & Yellow Flowers
Fresh Mixed Blue & Yellow Flowers in a Bouquet Flower Contents: - Yellow Roses & Lilies - Red, Orange, or Pink Flowers - Greeneries Please Note: Item may Vary. Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Express your love, sad, happiness or sympathy with this natural garden-like arrangement. Beautiful lavender and purple flowers are accented with decorative greenery and placed in a bamboo basket. Please Note: Basket design and arrangement may vary.
Great Yellow Tulips w/ Purple Flower
Great Yellow Tulips w/ Purple Flower in a Bouquet Flower Contents:  - Yellow Lilies - Purple Flowers - Greeneries Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Half Dozen White Lilies in a Bouquet
Half Dozen White Lilies in a Bouquet. Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Half Dozen Yellow Lilies in a Vase
Half Dozen Yellow Lilies in a Vase Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Heart Shaped Flowers
Let them know you think they're special with this beautiful heart shaped roses. Choice of red or pink or peach or yellow or white. 20 to 24 pcs roses in this basket. Please Note: Basket design and arrangement may vary.
Lovely Flowers in a Vase
Lovely vase arrangement of 12 long stemmed roses and greenery in a glass vase
Lovely Hand Tied Bouquet of Red Roses
Lovely hand tied bouquet of 12 red roses
Lovely Wrapped Bouquet of Fresh Flowers
Lovely wrapped bouquet of fresh flowers in pink and red tones, featuring roses and gladiolus. (one dozen pink and one dozen red roses)
Mixed Holland Imported Roses and Local Roses in a Vase
2 Dozen Mixed Roses in a Vase Combination of 5 Holland Imported roses and local roses. Please Note:  Requires 1 week advance ordering prior to delivery date. Vase design may vary. Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Mixed Iris & Tulips in a Bouquet
One Dozen Mixed Iris & Tulips in a Bouquet Flower Contents: - Yellow Tulips - Blue Iris (In case blue iris is not availabe, it maybe replaced with alternative blue flower) - Other Greeneries Shipping Delivery:​ Any part of the Philippines.
Mixed Pink & White Lilies in a Bouquet
Mixed Pink & White Lilies in a Bouquet Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Mixed Pink Roses & Lilies in a Bouquet
Mixed Pink Roses & Lilies in a Bouquet Flower Contents: - Pink Roses - Pink Lilies - Greeneries - Other Flowers Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
Mixed Roses in a Bouquet
3 Dozen Mixed Roses in a Bouquet.
Mixed Sunflower & Gerbera in a Bouquet
One Dozen of Mixed Sunflower & Gerbera in a Bouquet Flower Contents: - Yellow Sunflower - Orange Gerbera - Seasonal Flower Fillers - Other Greeneries Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippine.
One Dozen Orange Lilies in a Vase
One Dozen Orange Lilies in a Vase Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One Dozen Orange Tulips in a Bouquet
One Dozen Orange Tulips in a Bouquet Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One Dozen Pink Lilies in a Bouquet
One Dozen Pink Lilies in a Bouquet Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One dozen Pink Roses in a Bouquet
One dozen Pink Roses in a Bouquet.
One Dozen Pink Roses in a Bouquet 1
1 dozen pink roses in a bouquet.
One dozen Pink Roses in Bouquet
One dozen Pink Roses in Bouquet. Please Note: Bouquet design and arrangement may vary.
One Dozen Pink Tulips in a Bouquet
One Dozen Pink Tulips in a Bouquet Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One dozen Red & White Mix Roses in a Bouquet
One dozen red & white mix roses in a bouquet
One dozen Red Roses in a Bouquet
One dozen Red Roses in a Bouquet. Please Note: Bouquet design and arrangement may vary.
One dozen Red Roses in Bouquet
1 dozen Red Roses in Bouquet. Please Note: Bouquet design and arrangement may vary.
One dozen Red Wrapped Roses with Added Baby's Breath
One dozen red wrapped roses with added baby's breath
One Dozen Sunflower in a Vase
Please Note: This is seasonal flower. Please place the order 3 days in advance prior delivery date. - Container may vary in actual. We may use clear glass vase. Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One dozen White Roses in a Bouquet
One dozen White Roses in a Bouquet
One Dozen White Tulips in a Bouquet
One Dozen White Tulips in a Bouquet. Shipping Delivery: Any part of the Philippines.
One Dozen Wrapped Red Roses
Beautiful bouquet of one dozen wrapped red roses.